Bart Hobijn
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
230 S La Salle St
Chicago, IL 60604, USA
# bart.hobijn@barthobijn.net
April 20, 2024
This is my personal homepage with information about my research and content curated by me. I
also have an official webpage at the Chicago Fed. All opinions expressed on this website are my
own and not necessarily those of organizations I am, or have been, affiliated with.
Research Research agenda, list of publications, related files, and press coverage
Teaching Teaching philosophy and goals and list of courses taught
Academic bio Short bio describing academic interests and contributions
Speeches Speeches and interviews for non-academic audiences
Minilectures Videos and slides about my research and policy topics.
CV Interactive curriculum vitae. CV in PDF format available here
Recent Developments
The Loose Concept of Labor-Market Slack, November 3, 2023, Congressional
Budget Office, Panel of Economic Advisers
Labor-Market Slack-Dash Kineograph, Visualization of evolution of labor-market
“slack” from a large menu of indicators. October 19, 2023.
Latest Working Papers and Publications
Barlevy, Gadi et al. (2024). “The Shifting Reasons for Beveridge-Curve Shifts”. In:
Journal of Economic Perspectives Spring, pp. –.
Bonam, Dennis and Bart Hobijn (2024). Downward Price Rigidities and Inflationary
Relative Demand Shocks. Working Paper Series WP 2024-11. Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago.
Hobijn, Bart and Robert S. Kaplan (2024). “Occupational Switching During the
Second Industrial Revolution”. In: Economics Letters.
Ahn, Hie Joo, Bart Hobijn, and Ay¸seg¨ul
ahin (2023). The Dual U.S. Labor Market
Uncovered. Working Paper 31241. National Bureau of Economic Research.
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